Tag: winterbirds
They’re Back!
Some lucky feeder operators in Ontario are enjoying our very colourful Evening Grosbeaks once again. In 2020 there was a movement that saw birds in a number of locations but last winter was not as good. While small flocks showed up in 2021, most moved on. This year thousands have descended from the boreal forest…
What Does an Irruption Year Mean?
Have you ever heard this term among birders and wondered what it means? According to Project Feeder Watch it is defined as “the movement of northern-wintering species to the south in years of low food availability.” I’ve recently heard from customers that they have seen flocks of Evening Grosbeaks in parts of Scarborough and the…
Bird Identification Simplified
So many of us have looked at a bird and had no idea what it was, or heard the name of a bird and thought, well, that makes no sense at all. Let’s not forget all those little brown birds. Becoming familiar with a bird’s topography will help you with identification. Field guides are great, but…
5 Amazing Facts About Bird Migration
Animals can do some pretty incredible things, but perhaps no feat in the animal kingdom is more spectacular than the twice-yearly journey of migratory birds. From pole-to-pole flights to extreme physical transformations, here are some of their most impressive feats. 1. It’s a marathon While most species of migratory birds in Canada overwinter within the…
Brrr It’s Cold!
How do birds make it through our Canadian winter on days when even we have a hard time being outside? Just like people, birds will shiver to stay warm, using the rapid tightening and expansion of the muscles to heat the body. They also fluff their feathers, trapping air that will gradually warm the body.…
Winter is Coming – What Can I do to Help the Birds?
This fall we have been fortunate to enjoy lovely weather throughout the month of October and now well into November, but we all know this won’t last. So how can we set up our yards to help our feathered friends get through the winter? Let’s think about what seed we should be offering. Providing birds…
What’s for Dinner?
Variety is the spice of life and when it comes to birds, having more than one type of seed on the menu will increase your chances of appealing to a broader range of species. Topping the list is of course sunflower seed. If you can only have one type of seed, this will appeal to…
Fall days continue to be beautiful with colourful leaves and warm weather lasting well into the month. As we continue to enjoy watching migrating birds in the skies and at our feeders as they make their way south, be on the lookout for our ‘snowbirds’ returning from the north. A good friend of mine told…
Suet is a smart addition to winter bird feeding if you’re not offering it all year. There are many different styles of suet feeders to choose from. A basic single suet cage is very price friendly and can be hung from a tree branch or in a shrub. These feeders can accommodate one or two…
Canada’s Snowbirds Are Heading South!
Back in December, some rural parts of the province were treated to flocks of Snow Buntings. These birds of open country feed in fields and along roadsides where they will scatter as cars approach, often spooking the driver who wonders if they all made it safely out of the way. Fields where corn has been…