Tag: Urbannaturestore
Save Songbirds from Window Strikes
Beautiful songbirds are on their way from their wintering grounds to their breeding grounds. Some have already arrived such as the male Red-winged Blackbirds, Grackles, Robins and Cowbirds. Warblers, Orioles, Grosbeaks and Hummingbirds will be making their appearances over the next two months. We can do our part to keep them safe by applying window…
Migration is Underway!
Have you heard your first red-winged blackbird yet? Conk-la-reee… a sure sign that spring is truly on its way. I always look forward to the return of the red-wings. However, that also means that the grackles will be close behind. I know from listening to your questions over the years that there are some birds…
The Sounds of Spring
Did you hear that? We may be in the deepest part of the winter but don’t tell that to the birds. Some are already getting prepared for the busy season ahead; it sounds like music to the ears. I’ve been hearing male White-breasted Nuthatches calling regularly for a couple of weeks. They give a rapid,…
Let’s Share
How is everyone getting through this Covid-19 winter? Perhaps you’re finding new hobbies or resurrecting old ones. Maybe this includes birdwatching. I sure am happy that the birds know nothing about the coronavirus. Birdwatching is a very relaxing hobby that can be done at your own pace. There are no rules to follow and many…
Do Feeders Save Lives?
Do birds really need the food we offer at our feeders to survive? The truthful answer is no when it comes to residents that are here year-round, like the chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers and others. It does help them out though and they do appreciate it or they wouldn’t come back for more. On average, these…
Suet is a smart addition to winter bird feeding if you’re not offering it all year. There are many different styles of suet feeders to choose from. A basic single suet cage is very price friendly and can be hung from a tree branch or in a shrub. These feeders can accommodate one or two…
Common Redpolls Have Made Their Move
Following up on our earlier story of redpolls, these Chickadee-sized birds have been spending the last six weeks feeding almost exclusively in weedy fields and along rural roads. As anticipated, they have begun to also appear at some feeders and in the weeks ahead more will likely follow suit. I just had my first few…
Canada’s Snowbirds Are Heading South!
Back in December, some rural parts of the province were treated to flocks of Snow Buntings. These birds of open country feed in fields and along roadsides where they will scatter as cars approach, often spooking the driver who wonders if they all made it safely out of the way. Fields where corn has been…
Delightful Winter Visitors
Ontario residents are starting to notice redpolls in their travels. These Chickadee-sized songbirds from the north are winter visitors that head south in years when the seed crop on birches is poor. They are being seen in small flocks and occasionally larger ones with dozens of birds but have yet to appear widely. Named for…
A GOOD YEAR… for birds
The year of 2020 certainly hasn’t contained the word good due to COVID. If you enjoy watching birds it has been an incredibly good year with sightings of many different species over the spring and summer months, and the coming winter season is looking to be just as good. The most recent reports of new…