Tag: birdwatching

  • King of the Fishers

    King of the Fishers

    Have you ever watched a kingfisher on the hunt? The bird will often perch high above the water on a tree, pole or power line, waiting patiently for a small fish to pass by. Then it leaps into action, plunging headfirst into the water, opening its bill just as it reaches its target.  It is…

  • Blending In

    Blending In

    Blended families are not only found among people. This family of Wood Ducks has a surprise duo of Hooded Mergansers. Mother woody didn’t just pick them up on the water, she hatched them in her nest along with her own brood. Both species of ducks nest in tree holes. There is no way to know…

  • Nesting Time

    Nesting Time

    This is a critical time of year for birds because their energy must be focused on the next generation. Whether they are local residents or migrants, all engage in the routine of building a nest, incubating eggs then feeding their young. The amount of time spent in these stages of the breeding cycle depends on…

  • Spring is Humming Along

    Spring is Humming Along

    With summer conditions already upon us, our smallest birds are busy enjoying the bounty of fresh nectar-bearing flowers with even more to come in the next few months. While nature provides amply for their needs, gardeners can add to their menu with the selection of the right flowers. Once bee balms, hollyhocks, daylilies and lupines…

  • How to get kids interested in birding?

    How to get kids interested in birding?

    It’s never too early to get the little humans in your life excited about birds. For all of the time kids spend learning the animals on Old Macdonald’s Farm and the inhabitants of the zoo, you’d think there might be a bit more attention paid at school to the creatures living closer to home. Until…

  • Let’s Share

    Let’s Share

    How is everyone getting through this Covid-19 winter?  Perhaps you’re finding new hobbies or resurrecting old ones.  Maybe this includes birdwatching.  I sure am happy that the birds know nothing about the coronavirus. Birdwatching is a very relaxing hobby that can be done at your own pace.  There are no rules to follow and many…


    Did you know that taking time to watch the birds is actually good for you.  Studies have shown that it can improve your blood pressure and help to decrease anxiety. It also promotes outdoor activity which gets us out of the house and away from the computer.  Some people use it as a form of…