A Splash of Colour

In recent weeks we’ve added spring song to our outdoor experience and now comes the colour.

Keeping pace with the blooming of spring wildflowers, the return of a rich variety of brightly-coloured songbirds from their tropical vacation is what we have been waiting for. Baltimore Orioles, Scarlet Tanagers, Indigo Buntings and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks brighten up our yards and our parks as they prepare for another busy breeding season.

The beloved Baltimore Oriole has both a rich, pure song as well as striking colours. The dull-coloured female will construct a carefully woven sock-like hanging nest of slender fibres, displaying her craft in the drooping branches of tall trees such as willows and maples.

Happy Birding!

Brian Morin

Publisher of Ontario Birding News


One response to “A Splash of Colour”

  1. Brenda Davie Avatar
    Brenda Davie

    We have a female oriole waking us in the early mornings. It sounds like she’s in the house She is loud. Picking strands off a plant under the kitchen window. We love our birds b

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